
Are you thinking about becoming a substitute in Boonville Schools?

Boonville Schools hires:

  • Substitute Teachers
  • Substitute Support Staff, which includes:
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Administrative Assistant
    • Food Service Workers
    • Custodial and Maintenance Workers

Substitute hours are very flexible; you pick your days, times and preferences of school in which you would like to work.

Teacher/Para Sub Certification

Check out this link for certification information. This year, the parameters have been extended for requirements. For more information from Missouri DESE, check out DESE Substitute Teaching Information. If an individual does not have 60 college hours completed, he or she may use substitute teacher training.

A Content Substitute Certificate may be granted to an individual who is at least 21 years of age, has a high school diploma, General Education Diploma (GED) or High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and has successfully completed a minimum of twenty (20) clock hours of department-approved substitute teacher training that includes professionalism, honoring diversity, engaging students, foundational classroom management techniques, basic instructional strategies, supporting students with special needs, and working with at-risk youth. 

Online substitute certification: Frontline Education 

Path to Hiring for Substitutes 

  1. Potential staff member completes Boonville Schools online application. See Application Process for detailed instructions.
  2. After application is received in Central Office, the applicant is sent an email with additional steps, which includes background check information and instructions. (Detailed information about this process is located on the Job Listing page.)

Please contact Diane Firman with any questions or call the office at (660) 882-7474.